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Customer Review

I looked so many suppliers in India for my Jewellery business, but couldn't get a reliable supplier but over to come Rasav Gems, they not only provide me the better quality stones, but also gave me very competitive price and getting good margin from my jewelry business. Thank you Rasav !!

Andrew Kamprad

Hi, My name is Elea D'souza and purchased a small order to check the quality and as I expected it was same and far better from other suppliers and happy to get the manufacturer cost. Will sure to give you a big order and continue the business with them.

Elea D'souza

To Shop Rasav Gems have a Great support and purchased a lot to Burmese Ruby, Quality was superb and happy to Shop with them.

Steve Markle

It's a wow experience to shop with Rasav Gems and they have good prices as well as good services. Will again shop!

Kevin Clark